The Wife Of The Tebing Tinggi Police Chief Of North Sumatra Shows Off The Money, The North Sumatran Police Chief: I Check

MEDAN - Tebing Tinggi City Police Chief's wife, AKBP Agus Sugiyarso, Eci Agus Sugiyarso became the talk. Because the video showing off money using a T-shirt with the Tribratra logo is viral on TikTok with the @ecimot512 account.

The video, which is 14 seconds long, is known to have been deleted. However, the post has become the talk of the town. The North Sumatran Police Chief (Kapoldasu) Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak also responded.

Inspector General Panca said he would check the video. The North Sumatran police chief also does not know what the motive of the police chief's wife is to show the amount of money.

"I'll check later, it's not allowed. It's a habit of showing off money for what? I'll check it," said Inspector General Panca, Friday, October 29.

North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Panca reminded to use his fingers in using social media.

"Be careful using your fingers, not only to the police, to the public as well. Maybe a photo showing off money, is it really showing off? We will prove it later," he continued.

He reiterated that his party would explore the purpose of the wife of the Tebing Tinggi Police Chief who showed some money and uploaded it on social media.

"But be careful using your fingers. It can lead to multiple interpretations, I will look into it. If that happens, just trust me, I will investigate. Why is it really showing off money and what is the purpose, is it true or not showing off money, later we will explore," said the Kapoldasu.