Former Acting Secretary General Moves To PSI, PKP: Thank You, Good Luck!

JAKARTA - The Secretary General of the Justice and Unity Party (PKP), Said Salahudin, responded to the transfer of former Acting Secretary General of the PKPI Takudaeng Parawansa to the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). According to him, every citizen has the right to express his thoughts orally or in writing. This, he said, is a constitutional guarantee for every citizen. "Based on that guarantee, no one in this republic can limit or prevent loyal citizens from making their political choices," Said told VOI, Friday, October 29. Within the framework of respecting the rights of citizens, Said considers that the transfer of a person from one party to another is something that must be respected as a political choice. at all we consider it as something wrong, back to each individual," he said. Said explained that the transfer of Takudaeng alias Keke Parawansa to PSI would not affect the solidity of the current PKP management. The reason is, Keke is not included in the management structure for the period led by the general chairman Yussuf Solichin. "It's like this since the May 2021 munaslub there has been a change in management on the national leadership board. on responsibility as PKP management," he explained. Because of that, Said assessed that Keke's move to PSI or another party was a natural thing. He also thanked Keke for his dedication while at PKP while wishing him success in the new party house. "I think this is common in many other political parties. In fact, there are even ketums who have changed parties," said Said. "I wish you good luck fighting in your new place and respect every political attitude of those who have contributed to the party. I thank you and good luck with your struggle. Hopefully, the new place can provide benefits," said Salahudin. It is known that the former acting secretary general of the Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKPI), Takudaeng Parawansa, joined the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).

The woman who is usually called Keke Parawansa has a reason to join PSI because the party is filled with energetic young people. "I see great hope in PSI in improving Indonesia," said Keke when introduced at PSI's DPP Basecamp, Wednesday, October 27.

Keke was introduced directly by the Acting General Chairperson of PSI's DPP, Giring Ganesha. Joining PSI, Keke was assigned to PSI's DPP as director of Governance, Infrastructure, and Sanitation. For information, it was previously reported that Sutiyoso had moved to the NasDem party. PKPI itself has changed its name to PKP since September 2021.