TNI AD Has 55 Latest Tactical Vehicles With Advanced Technology, General Andika: This Is Because Of Commission I's Criticism

JAKARTA - The Army Headquarters held a title event for the TNI Army service vehicle procurement for the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year. Hundreds of vehicles embedded with advanced and latest technology, were held.

At the event, the Chief of Army Staff, General TNI Andika Perkasa presented the ranks of Commission I of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, TNI AD officials, recipients of official vehicles and all partners involved. The number of vehicles is 353 units, consisting of 235 motorcycles, 6 administrative vehicles, 55 tactical vehicles and 57 special vehicles.

"I make sure that this year's procurement vehicles have the latest technology and designs that are tailored to the needs of the Army and this can all be successful thanks to the cooperation of all parties, including the DPR RI, TNI AD and all partners," explained Kasad.

Andika said, the designs that were obtained were not immediately taken for granted. A number of things continue to be improved according to field conditions. Andika promises hundreds of vehicles this does not mean the end.

"This is not all, the budget allocated by the Army for official vehicles is bigger than last year, this is all due to criticism from Commission I," he said as quoted from the TNI AD YouTube.

Meutya Hafid as Chair of Commission I of the DPR RI explained that the highest appreciation was given to the Army Chief of Staff and their ranks for efforts to meet the needs of facilities and infrastructure in supporting the main tasks of the Army. "The aspirations and criticisms that we convey are not merely ideas but are based on our findings in the field so that we are sure that we must really replace them with the latest technology," said Meutya. Every official vehicle that was procured in 2020/2021 has the latest design and technology, where every detail provided by partners is never separated from the direction and instructions of General TNI Andika Perkasa in order to provide the best quality for each unit.