Not Taking Part In The 'luxury' Working Meeting And Choosing To Stay At The KPK, Nawawi: Yesterday I Wasn't Too Fit

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango, chose to be on standby in his office and not participate in work meetings held by his institution at the Sheraton Mustika Hotel Yogyakarta since Wednesday, September 27 yesterday.

This is an effort to anticipate if there is something urgent and must be taken care of immediately.

"It's okay not to come, I think it's better to have someone on standby at the office," Nawawi told reporters when confirmed, Friday, October 29.

In addition, he also reasoned that he was not feeling well when the KPK entourage left for Jogja. "Indeed yesterday I was not very fit," said Nawawi. For information, the Organization and Governance Work Meeting (Ortaka) has been held since Thursday, October 27. On that day, there were a number of events including listening to the presentation of material entitled Strategic Learning: Organizational Transformation towards a Purpose-Driven Organization delivered by Ignasius Jonan.

Next, at night, it was continued with an indoor team building event, namely fun games and team work, which was attended by 55 participants who were divided into five groups.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, October 28, the event continued with the presentation of the KPK performance review meeting. Meanwhile, on Friday, October 29, the participants will head to the Ngemplak Jogja Police Headquarters to take a leisurely bicycle to the Klothok Coffee Shop in the Kaliurang area.

After the relaxing bike is done, the participants will return to the hotel to listen to the directions and the raker's decision points.

These various activities were then heavily criticized because they were deemed unnecessary and a waste of money in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Secretary General of the KPK Cahya H Harefa said that the meeting in Yogyakarta had been scheduled for a long time but was hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, this meeting was also carefully planned including regarding the use of the budget during the activity.

"This intensive meeting which was held in Yogyakarta had been scheduled in advance, both from the aspect of budget planning and implementation design, but it had to be postponed due to the pandemic conditions and can only be held at this time," said Cahya to reporters, Wednesday, October 27.

He also emphasized that this working meeting needed to be carried out as part of efforts to harmonize regulations and improve organizational structures, in order to support the duties and functions of the KPK in accordance with the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019.