The COVID-19 Cluster Has The Most Positivity Rate In Dormitories

JAKARTA - Member of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Expert Team Dewi Nur Aisyah said that the COVID-19 cluster in DKI Jakarta is most evident in offices and markets. Even so, the positivity rate or the number of positive COVID-19 results based on the number of examinations was at most in the dormitory cluster.

Dewi gave an example of the case of transmission in the Bethel hostel cluster, Petamburan sub-district, Central Jakarta, some time ago. In one dormitory area, it was found that 41 people had contracted COVID-19.

"In the pastors' dormitory (Bethel, red) the positivity rate is up to 51 percent. This is what we have to be aware of because the dormitory is a place for people to gather together at one time," said Dewi in a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Wednesday, 29 July.

An example of a dormitory cluster that has a large transmission rate has also occurred at the Army Officer Candidate School (Secapa AD), Bandung, West Java. This cluster has 1,280 cases of COVID-19. This case resulted in the reproduction rate in West Java having increased from less than 1 to 1.73.

Meanwhile, the office cluster currently reaches 90 offices which have been designated as clusters of a total of 78,932 offices in Jakarta.

Then, in the market cluster, the positivity rate is not higher than the dormitory cluster. Of the 11,766 market traders examined to date, 555 people tested positive. So, the positivity rate is around 20 percent.

"This market cluster was obtained from the results of active case finding conducted by the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government," said Dewi.

Furthermore, Dewi also mentioned that there are clusters of COVID-19 transmission in places of worship. Currently, there are 3 church clusters with 29 cases, 3 mosque clusters with 11 cases, 1 pesantren cluster with 4 cases, and 1 tahlilan cluster with 29 cases.

"Seeing this data, so I remind you that if there are social activities such as social gathering, gathering of PKK mothers, recitation, tahlilan, it must be ensured that the health protocol is implemented," said Dewi.