Megawati Asks Regional Administrators To Prepare For PDIP National Working Meeting: Don't Just Come

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP Megawati Soekarnoputri has asked regional administrators to prepare for a national working meeting (Rakernas) which will be held on December 1-3.

"Please note it down and prepare it well, don't just come," said Megawati in front of PDIP cadres throughout Indonesia who were present virtually at the inauguration of the Taman UMKM Inscription, the Bung Karno Statue, and 16 party offices, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 28.

The PDIP National Working Meeting will be attended by party chairmen and secretaries from all over Indonesia.

Furthermore, PDIP will also hold a special coordination meeting attended by party treasurers from all over Indonesia. This is done so that the modernization of budgeting in the party can run well, he said.

Megawati even gave an example of budgeting practices in the APBN according to the "confession" from the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati that often the absorption of the budget by the regional government (Pemda) did not match the proposal.

"Why should the region's budget management not match the budget absorption side? Why is it allocated like that? Later, the treasurer must be able to talk like that," said Megawati.

Megawati said that this budgeting process must ensure effective and efficient procurement so that there is no waste.

Secretary General of the DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto added that a special coordination meeting invited all regional heads from the party.