National Police Chief Gives Awards To 2,850 Police Personnel

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo gave awards, either in the form of promotions, promotions or participating in educational programs to 2,850 Polri members for their service and dedication while on duty.

"During the leadership of General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo as many as 2,850 awards have been given to members," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono in a written statement, Thursday, October 28.

Argo detailed that the Extraordinary Promotion Award (KPLB) was given to 91 personnel, five personnel were given Posthumous KPLB and 603 personnel were awarded for participating in educational programs.

The next award was given to seven personnel in the form of promotions, 234 personnel received certificates of appreciation, 23 personnel were given Gold Certificates and Pins, 21 were awarded Silver Certificates and Pins. While 1,155 personnel were given Gold Pins, 277 received Silver Pins and 434 Bronze Pins.

Argo gave an example, one of the members who was given the award was Bripka Nur Ali Suwandi, founder of the Bumi Damai Shelter Foundation which facilitates social and religious activities such as building mosques, bridges, abandoned children and so on.

"Bripka Nur Ali Suwandi succeeded in building 13 mosques in Yogyakarta. For his dedication and service he was awarded the SIP school by the Chief of Police," continued Argo.

He said as the message of the Chief of Police that all Polri personnel compete to achieve achievements in accordance with their field of duty.

The National Police Chief, said Argo, wants all ranks to contribute and carry out the 16 priority programs of the National Police Chief.

The sixteen priority programs of the National Police Chief, namely institutional arrangements, changes in organizational systems and methods, making the National Police HR superior in the Police 4.0 era, changes in modern technology in the Police 4.0 era, strengthening the performance of Kamtibmas maintenance and improving law enforcement performance.

Then, strengthening Polri's support in handling COVID-19, national economic recovery, ensuring the security of national priority programs, and strengthening the handling of social conflicts.

Furthermore, improving the quality of Polri's public services, realizing integrated Polri public services, strengthening public communication, supervising leaders in every activity, strengthening the function of supervision and supervision by the public who seek justice (public complaints).

Previously, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said he and the main officials of the National Police Headquarters were committed to providing "rewards" for personnel who carried out their duties well and worked hard to serve and protect the community.

"I and all major officials have a commitment to members who have worked hard in the field, worked well, were tired, left their children and wives behind. We will always be committed to giving rewards, if I forget, please remind me," said Sigit.

On the other hand, Sigit emphasized that strict sanctions will be given to all personnel who do not carry out their duties properly, or violate existing rules.