Head Of Lembang West Bandung Village, State Land Seller Of IDR 50 Billion In Cikole

BANDUNG - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Direskrimsus) of the West Java Police arrested two Village Heads (Kades) in Lembang, West Bandung Regency. Both of them are suspected of selling village asset land, causing state losses of more than IDR 50 billion.

Director of the West Java Regional Police Special Criminal Investigation Kombes Arief Rachman said the two people, namely the Head of Cikole Village with the initials JR and the former Head of Cibogo Village with the initials MS. The two are suspected of conspiring to wipe out the inventory of village assets for personal gain.

"They have abused their authority together by transferring 8 hectares of land in the Cikole Village treasury located in the Persil 57 Field Block," said Arief at the West Java Police, Bandung City, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 28.

According to him, the abolition of village assets with the Decree of the Cikole Village Head Number 145 signed in June 2020 is not in accordance with the applicable bureaucratic rules.

The reason, they do the removal without the permission of the local government. So that the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) also found irregularities in the form of state losses of more than Rp. 50 billion.

"With the loss, it can be seen that there are financial benefits taken by the two suspects," he said.

Arief said that his party is still investigating whether the illegally sold land will be used as a tourist spot.

Because the price of land in the Cikole area is also quite high considering the Lembang area which is one of the tourist destinations in West Java.

"So the land is in the form of a large field, and there is also land for housing and so on," said Arief.

According to Arief, now the 8-hectare land is under the control of parties who do not have official authority to control the land.

"If we don't disclose this, then Rp 50 billion of state assets will be lost, it is possible that other parties are involved as well," he said.

In the case of corruption of the village head, the police ensnared Article 2, Article 3, and Article 9 of Law Number 31 on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 of the Criminal Code.