Megawati: If The Party Can Win Straight Away, The President Can Only Do It Twice

JAKARTA - PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri emphasized that there are no rules that prohibit political parties from winning continuously in general elections (elections).

"Is there a rule that we can't win all the time? There's nothing to stop us," said Megawati at the inauguration of the Bung Karno Park MSME Inscription and 16 Party Offices, Thursday, October 28.

Instead, Megawati wants PDIP to be the winner in every election. He said that the president cannot continue to 'win', because there are rules for only 2 terms.

"What you have to look for is the president, you can only do it twice. But if the party wants to keep winning, there's no rule, it's not allowed, that's what I want," he said.

"So that God willing, our party will continue as said by Mr. Tjahjo, it must always exist as long as the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia exists," added Megawati.

Megawati realized that now PDIP was starting to undergo a regeneration. But he said, that does not mean seniors should not be actively involved in devoting themselves to the party.

"I always try to always, those who are still willing or are still participating as party members, whether as party cadres, please devote themselves to the party," he said.

Moreover, continued Mega, everything was processed very democratically and has gone well. Therefore Megawati welcomes anyone who wants to devote themselves to the party.

"Anyone please come forward," he said.