PMI Surabaya Fires Three Outsourcing Employees Who Buy And Sell Convalescent To COVID-19 Patients

SURABAYA - The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Surabaya has fired three outsourced employees who were involved in buying and selling convalescent plasma for COVID-19 patients. The three are Yogi Agung Prima Wardana, Bernadya Anisah Krismaningtyas, and Mohammad Yusuf Efendi.

"We have stopped them disrespecting them since they were arrested by the police in August," said Surabaya City Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), Tri Siswanto, confirmed on Thursday, October 28.

Tri denied that the three were employees of PMI Surabaya. He said the three were outsourcing workers at PMI Surabaya.

Tri said he was surprised to learn about the behavior of his subordinates who sold convalescent plasma to COVID-19 patients. Tri confirmed that in the future, he will tighten the recruitment of employees at PMI Surabaya.

"Of course this is an important lesson for us, so that in the future we will be more selective, because what happened has damaged the name of PMI," he said.

The three former outsourced employees of PMI Surabaya underwent trial at the Surabaya District Court (PN). In the prosecutor's indictment, by the defendant Yogi, one bag of convalescent plasma was sold for Rp. 2.5 to Rp. 4.5 million, to the defendants Bernadya Anisah Krismaningtyas and Mohammad Yusuf Efendi.

By both of them, convalescent plasma is sold to patients at a higher price, being IDR 3.5 million per bag for type O blood, and IDR 5 million for blood type AB.

The three PMI Surabaya employees were charged with violating Article 195 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning health in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.