Get Ready! 4,200 Seniors In Bintan Receive Rp900 Thousand BLT In November 2021
BINTAN - The government of Bintan Regency, Riau Islands, has allocated a budget of Rp3,780 billion for the direct cash assistance (BLT) program for 4,200 elderly residents in the area.
"The budget has been prepared in the 2021 Revised Regional Budget. It's just a matter of realizing it," said Plt. Bintan Regent Robby Kurniawan in Tanjungpinang, Antara, Thursday, October 28.
Robby ensured that the elderly BLT program was launched in the second week of November 2021.
Each elderly will receive assistance worth IDR 300 thousand per month and paid accumulatively for three months starting from October to December 2021.
"So the total received by the elderly is IDR 900 thousand," said Robby.
The policy of providing BLT for the elderly is one of the political promises he carried out with the Regent of Bintan Apri Sujadi during the 2020 Pilkada.
"Hopefully it can be distributed on target and beneficial for the elderly," he said.
The data on elderly BLT recipients has been verified by the Social Service of Bintan Regency. Elderly who have received central funding assistance such as PKH, BPNT and BLT village funds are not included in this program, because the assistance provided cannot be doubled.