Although Classified As Harmless, Recognize 5 Causes Of Abscesses On The Skin

JAKARTA – An abscess, known as a boil, is a lump under or on the surface of the skin. Although medically harmless, it can indicate certain health conditions.

Reported by Medical News Today, Thursday, October 28, most skin abscesses are harmless. It can even heal on its own except in more severe cases that require medical intervention.

An abscess that grows on the skin like a pimple. They are larger and contain pus or water. There are also cases of skin abscesses that are below the surface of the skin. Abscess is also considered not to threaten a person's health. But if the size is large it may require medical intervention.

Generally, abscesses are caused by several factors, including:

Bacterial infections, including Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), Streptococcus pyogenes, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Anaerobic organisms. Fungal infection. Virus. Parasite.

Most often, abscesses on the skin grow under the arms, lower back, as well as around the genitals and anus. At first glance, the abscess bulge is firm but smooth, round, filled with pus, painful, swollen, hot to the touch, and red. There is also a punctum feature where the hole is right in the middle of the lump.

Some people are at higher risk of developing a skin abscess caused by an infection. The person generally has the following conditions:

Being obese Smoking Diabetics People with compromised immune systems Using intravenous drugs

Well, to distinguish an abscess on the skin due to bacteria or certain conditions in a person is the symptom. Abscesses on the skin due to bacteria, are usually painless and show no signs of infection.

But bacteria can infect, namely by entering through hair follicles, puncture wounds, or wounds on the skin. Sometimes, an abscess on the skin forms when a foreign object such as a piece of glass sticks to the skin.

The treatment that needs to be done depends on the pain you feel. When it is very painful, a healthcare professional will usually remove the fluid in the abscess by making an incision where local anesthesia was previously administered.

They will then flush the cavity with saline solution or if the abscess is very deep, the doctor will insert a wick to help drain the abscess fluid or drain the abscess.

Simple home treatments for treating abscesses on the skin are to apply warm compresses, apply antibiotic ointment, or take pain relievers. But it is advised not to squeeze the abscess or force the fluid out because there is a risk of bacteria entering and causing complications.