Toba Kancil Operation, 41 Robbery Perpetrators Arrested Throughout North Sumatra

MEDAN - North Sumatra Regional Police (North Sumatra) conducted an operation for the Toba Kancil. The police in this operation arrested 41 suspects from 34 cases of motor vehicle theft.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said that the majority of the stolen vehicles were motorbikes.

"The types of vehicles targeted for theft are dominated by two-wheeled vehicles, namely 96 percent," said Kombes Hadi, Thursday, October 28.

Kombes Hadi explained, in carrying out their actions, 79.5 percent of the thieves used fake keys in carrying out their actions.

Perpetrators can freely act because of the victim's lack of vigilance when parking a motorized vehicle.

"(The victim) only relied on a manual motorcycle key without using an additional key or a double key," he continued.

From the results of the investigation, the reason the suspect stole the motorbike was also because it was easy to sell it to a dealer.

"Or even by selling it to a used auto parts seller," continued Hadi.

He emphasized that the Toba Kancil operation was held to take firm action against the perpetrators of crime. This operation is expected to have a deterrent effect for the perpetrators of theft.