Donald Trump's Son Gets Flicked On Twitter For Spreading False Information

JAKARTA - Twitter has temporarily suspended an account belonging to the son of the President of the United States (US), Donald Trump Jr. It is known that the account of Trump's eldest son was caught sharing misinformation videos related to Covid-19.

Quoting CNN International, Wednesday, July 29, the suspension was carried out after a video of a doctor conveying false information about the corona virus that can be cured with hydroxychloroquine. Trump Jr. also stated that people do not need masks to prevent the spread of the virus.

As a result of the post, Trump Jr.'s account was suspended by Twitter. So that the account owner can no longer post for 12 hours.

"Twitter suspending Trump Jr. for sharing viral videos of medical professionals discussing their views on hydroxychloroquine, is further evidence that major technology is intent on killing freedom of expression online, and is another example of those intervening in electoral interventions to dampen Republican votes," the spokesperson said. Trump Jr., Andy Surabian told the BBC.

Surabian accused, Twitter has tried to interfere in political reasons. Because hydroxychloroquine has indeed become part of research to treat the corona virus.

It is known that President Donald Trump also had time to retweet several versions of the same video on Twitter. Apart from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have also removed similar videos on their respective platforms.

By suspending Trump Jr.'s account, this is Twitter's latest move to crack down on misinformation regarding the coronavirus. Given that Trump recently had a clash with the social media platform with the blue bird logo.

It should be noted, misleading and dangerous claims about hydroxychloroquine have been widely promoted by public figures and politicians around the world who have been affected by the pandemic. Discussions about drugs or vaccines have become a hot topic on social networks. For this reason, social media is currently working hard to eradicate misinformation or hoaxes on its platforms.