Jokowi's Message To Civil Service Employees Of IPDN Graduates: We Need A New Way Of Working

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo asked young civil servants who graduated from the Institute of Domestic Administration (IPDN) to provide different and new work ideas to create a fast and precise bureaucracy, so that the benefits can be felt directly by the people.

"Even under normal conditions, our way of working must be results-oriented, fast, efficient, and directly felt by the people. Especially in conditions of a health crisis, a pandemic crisis like this, this way of working is non-negotiable, ”said Jokowi as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 29.

He said that when he inaugurated most of the IPDN Young Civil Service Officers online or virtually. A total of 881 young civil servants were sworn in today, with 6 of them directly appointed by President Jokowi at the Bogor Presidential Palace. Meanwhile, other civil service officers were sworn in at the Abdi Praja parade field, IPDN Jatinangor Campus, West Java, and IPDN Cilandak campus, DKI Jakarta.

Jokowi hopes that the IPDN Youth Civil Service will provide a different nuance of working in government. The goal of improving the bureaucracy is a fast and precise working procedure (smart shortcut) and can provide results that are felt directly by the people.

"We need a new way of working. We need a new work culture that is more innovative, fast, and courageous, smart shortcuts, "he said.

Currently and in the future, said Jokowi, it is no longer the time for big countries to beat small countries, but fast countries that beat slow countries. However, the bureaucratic procedures in the Indonesian government are in fact shackled by counterproductive rules that make it difficult to accelerate development.

"There are too many procedures, too many stages of the procedure. The bureaucracy has been trapped by difficult rules that it has made itself, ”he said.

Jokowi congratulated the IPDN civil service officers who were inaugurated today. He understood that the struggle of IPDN students to be appointed was very tough and had to pass such mental and physical tests.

“The mental and physical endurance of you must be very prime. The national and Indonesian brothers and sisters have been deeply ingrained, and I do not doubt your commitment to serve the community. But commitment alone is not enough, "said the President.

"You have to be a driver of innovation, be a motor for bureaucratic reform, be a motor for the development of new ways of working, be a motor for a new government," said Jokowi.