Dragging Setya Novanto And Gayus Tambunan Cases, PPATK Calls Money Laundering Tactics More Complex

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana said the crime of money laundering (TPPU) in the country is now increasingly complex because it is no longer an individual but through other parties.

So, he asked financial service providers (PJK) to anticipate so that this irrational practice can be overcome.

According to him, since entering the PPATK in 2003, money laundering efforts have been carried out simply by using one's own name or family name when buying assets. One of the cases he mentioned was Gayus Tambunan, a former employee of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance.

"When I entered the PPATK 2003, I came across a simple case. The case is the case of Gayus who did the laundry in his own account, then used his wife's name, then bought a mobile house using his own name," Ivan said in an online program broadcast, Thursday, 28 October.

"In the past, it was still person-to-person. So the people who got it (money, red) were put into other people's accounts," he added.

However, over time the practice of money laundering has become more sophisticated because it involves not only families but other parties. A real example is in the case of the former Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Setya Novanto.

For information, Setya Novanto, who is a former Golkar Party politician, is currently serving a sentence due to being proven involved in corruption related to the procurement of e-KTP which cost the state up to Rp. 2.3 trillion.

His participation was successfully uncovered by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and he is said to have received money from a number of parties.

"Well, the question is with the more complex, can we (we, ed) catch up with that risk? That threat?" he asked.

Thus, he asked all financial service providers to form a team to prevent money laundering in their companies. The trick is to make prevention that can be done alone or by cooperating with PPATK.

"Well, that question must be answered. Not by random feeling, so what data? The data can be generated by yourself, generated with PPATK, or with other PJK," he concluded.