Google Prepares Android 12L OS Specifically For Large Screen Devices, What Are The Advantages?

JAKARTA - Last week Google just launched Android 12, and now it will release the latest operating system called Android 12L (Large). The focus of this release is on adapting the OS better to tablet, foldable, and ChromeOS devices.

Android 12L will run more smoothly on the big screen. This OS optimizes the device UI layout, adjusts the placement of the home screen, lock screen, notifications, Quick Settings, and much more.

It's not without reason that Google presents this tablet version of the OS, the company said that seeing the significant growth of tablet, foldable and ChromeOS devices, of course this business is quite promising for the company.

"There are over a quarter billion large screen devices running Android across tablets, foldables and ChromeOS. Just in the last 12 months we have seen nearly 100 million new Android tablet activations, a growth of 20 percent YoY, while ChromeOS, now a desktop platform with the fastest growth of 92 percent," said Google.

"We're also seeing foldable devices increase, by over 265 percent YoY! All told, there are over 250 million active large screen devices running Android. With all the momentum, we're continuing to invest in making Android OS even better on devices. This is for users and developers," he added.

New Android 12L Capabilities for Widescreen Devices

Quoting GSM Arena, Thursday, October 28, Android 12L running on each screen of 600 density-independent pixels (dp) and above will display a two-column layout that takes advantage of the entire screen.

For example, the Quick Settings menu, which is pushed to the left side of the screen, while the notification panel is locked to the right, gives users the ability to access both simultaneously, all without opening one app and closing the other.

For enhanced multitasking, Android 12L has a new taskbar that allows quick switching between favorite apps. It also makes split screen mode easier to find, to activate it users need to drag and drop apps from the taskbar. All apps are enabled to enter split screen mode on Android 12L.

Another change that comes with the 12L is improved letterboxing which should make the app look more appealing. Google is letting device manufacturers change the size, shape, and color of letterboxing, as well as adding rounded corners and changing the position of the inset window.

Even on the Play Store, Google will warn users about apps that are not optimized for large screens. This is only if they access the list from a large screen device.

In addition, Google also introduced a new check to assess the quality of each app against the large screen app quality guidelines. Finally, there will be a large screen-only app ranking, and all of these changes will take effect next year.

Where if according to schedule, the plan is that Android 12L will be released early next year, but Android users with compatible devices can try some of the new features first on the 12L developer preview page.

From there, users can download the 12L emulator to get started. Google also said that they are working with OEM partners to roll out the 12L update, and a 12L developer preview for the Lenovo P12 Pro tablet is in the works as a prefix for the new OS.

A public beta for Pixel devices will also be available, as Android 12L will come as an update to the phone, although most of its features won't be visible on smaller screens.