Toddler Persecuted To Be Burned By His Mother's Girlfriend

KOTA BATU - A toddler in Batu City, East Java, became a victim of abuse from his mother's boyfriend, Wahyu K. (25). The suspect had the heart to abuse the poor boy because he was annoyed that he had to bear the economic burden of a child who was not his biological offspring.

Batu Police Chief AKBP I Nyoman Yogi Hermawan said the perpetrator and the victim's mother often quarreled because of economic factors.

"The anger was then vented to the child who was also often fussy when he was treated at home," he said, Wednesday, October 27.

The victim's mother has known about the abuse of her child since August 2021. However, it was not reported to the police for fear of not marrying the perpetrator.

The peak of the victim's mother's anger occurred on Monday night. At that time the suspect splashed the victim's body until his skin blistered.

"Every act of abuse was carried out by the perpetrator when the mother was out of the house," said Yogi.

During the investigation, the suspect admitted to assaulting him. The victim suffered burns from cigarette burns, bite wounds and burns scalded with hot water.

"We have secured the evidence, starting from the bath tub, dipper, etc.," Yogi continued.

Meanwhile, the toddler's condition gradually recovered. The victim is still in intensive care.

"We will provide trauma healing assistance for the mother and baby so that they can face life as normal again," he said.

The perpetrator was charged with Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 paragraph (1) of RI Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection or Article 351 of the Criminal Code.