The Response Of The KPK Council Who Was Accused Of Protecting Commissioner Lili Pintauli: Not True, What's The Interest?

JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has spoken about the accusation that they are protecting the Deputy Chair of the KPK, Lili Pintauli Siregar.

This issue arose after reports of alleged ethical violations submitted by former KPK commission investigators Novel Baswedan and Rizka Anungnata against Lili Pintauli were rejected.

"It is completely untrue (the accusation of protecting Lili, ed)," said Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, chairman of the KPK Council, to reporters, Wednesday, October 27.

To those who accused this, he then questioned what was the benefit for the KPK Council to protect Lili Pintauli.

"What is the interest of Dewas to protect LPS," said Tumpak.

He emphasized that all reports of alleged ethical violations submitted to the KPK Supervisory Board would certainly be followed up.

However, Tumpak said, reporting must be complete so that it can be immediately studied according to applicable operational standards.

"As long as the report is true, it will certainly be tried by the Council, every report in accordance with the SOP, of course we will study it," he said. As previously reported, Novel and Rizka Anungnata reported Lili Pintauli Siregar to the KPK Supervisory Board. Both reported the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK on suspicion of violating ethics because he had communicated with one of the contestants for the North Labuhanbatu Pilkada (Labura), namely Darno.

"In addition to being involved in the handling of the Tanjungbalai case, the LPS as the reported party is also involved in several other cases, namely those related to the North Labuhanbatu case which we were handling as investigators," Novel said in a report letter to the KPK Council.

In that communication, Darno allegedly asked Lili to speed up the detention of the Regent of Labura Khairuddin Syah who had been named a suspect by the KPK before the 2020 Pilkada began. At that time, Khairuddin again ran as a candidate for incumbent.

"Where this fact was conveyed by the suspect Khairuddin Syah to the reporter at that time. Khairuddin also told the reporter that he had evidence in the form of photos of the meeting between the reported and Darno's brother," Novel said.