Gresik Will Implement Cashless Parking System, Regent Gus Yani Ensures Socialization To The Community

GRESIK - The Gresik Regency Government, East Java will implement parking using a cashless or cashless payment system to facilitate the community and assist the government in monitoring Regional Original Income (PAD).

Gresik Regent Fandi Akhmad Yani said, before implementing the cashless system, socialization was needed to get support from the community.

Gus Yani, his nickname, said that the cashless payment system would facilitate two things. First, people make payments easily and secondly, monitor how much PAD actually comes from the parking sector

"Later on, the PAD obtained will be used for sustainable development in Gresik Regency," said Gus Yani during a meeting with Forkopimda, the Transportation Service at the Gresik Regent's Office, Antara, Wednesday, October 27.

Gus Yani admits that so far the income obtained from the parking sector has not been monitored properly so that the implementation of non-cash parking is expected to be able to monitor the income.

"We make sure that the implementation of parking digitization does not reduce job opportunities, and we will also think about parking attendants in Gresik later," he said.

Previously, the central government encouraged local governments and the Association of Indonesian Provincial Governments to support the National Non-Cash Movement (GNNT).

GNNT is a movement to use non-cash payment instruments, which has been launched by Bank Indonesia since August 2014. GNNT aims to raise awareness and increase the use of non-cash among the public, business players and government institutions.