PDIP: Our Political World Is Strange, Likes To Attack But The Good Ones Don't Follow

JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said he was surprised that there were still parties attacking his party. Even though in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic like now, all parties should unite and help each other.

This was conveyed by Hasto when opening a disaster training event with the theme La Nina, Phenomenon, and Its Impact at the PDIP headquarters, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, October 27.

"I think sometimes our political world is a bit strange. There are those who like to attack in an inappropriate sense in the existing corridors but in a good way they are not followed. who attacked," said Hasto as quoted from his written statement.

Attacks against his party, he continued, often occur, especially since PDIP has always been active in promoting disaster preparedness, the COVID-19 pandemic, and preserving nature.

Not only that, the attack was also felt by the Chairperson of the PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri, who had just been inaugurated as Chair of the Steering Committee of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). In that position, the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia was inaugurated along with a number of names including the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

According to Hasto, there is nothing wrong with Megawati's position as Chair of the BRIN Steering Committee. Moreover, Mega has always dreamed of strengthening research, innovation, and mastery of Indonesian science and technology.

"Then there are those who see it from the perspective of power politics. Whereas (Megawati's assignment, ed) is purely aimed at how Indonesia really builds awareness of mastery of technology. So let's raise positive things. That's what the PDI Perjuangan hopes. because yesterday I responded to some of the attacks because of that I was impatient too," said Hasto.

Despite being constantly attacked by negative campaigns, PDIP will not stop doing party work for the community. This party, continued Hasto, is also ready to continue to be committed to guarding environmental issues and disaster management.

Moreover, Megawati has given many directions from upstream to downstream, including planting hundreds of thousands of trees and constructing buildings with a green building concept. "We use solar cells, the only party office that uses solar cells. We build many vertical gardens, they provide oxygen for Greater Indonesia," he said.

For information, PDIP held this disaster event in collaboration with BMKG, Basarnas, BNPB, and the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. PDIP General Chair Megawati was present virtually while Hasto and Wasekjen Sadarestuwati, as well as PDIP DPP Chairpersons Ribka Tjiptaning and Hamka Haq were present to open the event.

The speakers on this agenda were Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati, Head of Basarnas Marshal Henri Alfiandi, Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito, and Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini.