The Story Of A Couple In Medan Nelangsa Access To His House By Business Owners Walled, Bobby Nasution Promises To Check

MEDAN - Misfortune befell a husband and wife from Medan, Toga Raja Manurung (78) and Rosma Boru Sinurat (71). It's been almost four months since the main access to their house, which is located on Jalan Ringroad, Tanjung Rejo Village, Medan Sunggal District, has been walled up by business owners and turned into a parking space.

The condition experienced by Toga Raja and his wife is viral on social media. Seen, Wednesday, October 27, the couple's house was almost covered with a wall. For access in and out of his house, Toga Raja goes through the door from a narrow alley

Toga Raja explained that the issue of claiming land on the side of the road had been going on for a long time. He and his wife admitted that they could only accept the situation.

"We have just given up, how else are we going to make it. We've been fighting but still walled. For the past four months, our fence has been concreted by the owner of the next business," said Toga.

The problem started when the business owner bought the land adjacent to Toga's house. The business owner also claims that the land with drainage is also his.

Then, the businessman put concrete on the drainage boundary in front of Toga's house, thus interfering with Toga and his family's access to the house.

"So seeing the wall, we complained to the Medan City Government to the PU department. They came here and said it wasn't here, it was cast like this, they were immediately demolished," he said.

Not accepting that the Medan City Government demolished the building, the land owner then sued himself in court with a civil suit. The land owner's lawsuit was carried out 3 times and all of them were not granted by the court.

After the court ruled that the land belonged to the Medan City Government, Toga admitted that he received an appeal from the Medan Sunggal sub-district head to maintain trees in his yard and maintain the greenery of the city.

"Because of that appeal, then we planted and cleaned the soil with drainage so that it was clean and beautiful, according to the direction of the Camat," he said.

However, because of the reforestation, the land owner reported his wife to the police on charges of controlling the land without rights. The report was received by the police and his wife was placed in city custody.

In addition, Toga also said that he had reported the matter to the Medan City DPRD and discussed it through a hearing meeting (RDP).

Toga hopes that he will soon get a solution to the problems they face from the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution. He hoped Bobby Nasution to dismantle the wall so as not to block access to his house.

Separately, the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, when confirmed regarding the matter, said he would immediately check the location.

"I'll check it later, I'll check it. Later, if someone violates it, we will give a warning," Bobby said, Wednesday, October 27.

Bobby explained that the Ringroad area has the status of a national road. Likewise with the presence of drainage.

"We, the local government can only tidy it up, tidy up and clean up," he said.