Recognize The 7 Signs Of Denial Syndrome, The Habit Of Denying Statements To Avoid Anxiety

JAKARTA – It looks like an ant hole that looks small from the outside, but once inside there are thousands of traps that make conditions worse. Called denial syndrome which psychologically can make it difficult for a person to face or accept the facts that actually happened.

Reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, October 27, denial is a defense mechanism in which a person refuses to acknowledge objective facts or experiences. Denial is a subconscious process that serves to protect the person from anxiety.

Denial or denial or rejection arises from the concept of Sigmund Freud departing from his daughter, Anna Freud, who developed the idea of a defense mechanism against thoughts and feelings of anxiety. Anna believes that denial unconsciously protects the ego from distress by denying that aspect of reality.

What are the signs of someone with denial syndrome? The following is an explanation as a reflection material in order to better understand the roots of emotions and healthier coping skills.

1. Reluctant to talk about problems

Someone who is reluctant to talk about the problem, reported by Northpoint Recovery, tends to ignore the problem. Maybe someone in denial will try to change the subject or try to divert with humor. These first signs of denial occur even in simple conversation.

2. Pointing out the behavior of others to prove there is no problem

In the case of addiction, for example, this classic tactic is used to convince oneself that a person is not addicted.

3. Repeating the same argument without progress

The reason or argument against a problem, if it is repeated without showing progress, marks the existence of a problem. The problem is actually not going to change, except to find a turning point and change the way of dealing with the reality that happened.

4. Rationalize behavior

Rationalization is one of the most powerful techniques used by individuals to deny objective reality. For example, I'm very stressed right now so I need a pressure reliever. These reasons make a person to 'run' from problems that are waiting to be resolved.

5. Blaming others for the problems experienced

This sign is in line with rationalization, which is thought to be inappropriate. Instead, blame others for the problems experienced. If you keep blaming others, the reality will also not change.

6. Perform manipulative actions

This manipulative action is used to 'trick' your feelings into the reality that is happening. In fact, it's okay to feel sad or it doesn't matter if you're angry. This manipulative action actually makes someone feel alienated to deny the reality that happened.

7. Feel nothing

Instead of accepting feelings as a natural response to experience, a denial person will ignore and give up. Denying the pain by ignoring it is even worse.