The Ministry Of Youth And Sports Said, Indonesian People Are The Laziest To Walk, Only 3,513 Steps A Day

JAKARTA - Assistant Deputy for Educational Sports Management of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) Ary Moelyadi said Indonesia was at the bottom of current affairs. Indonesian people are claimed to be the laziest to walk.

"That's why I said earlier, every day you have to walk 7,000 steps. From what we see, the average Indonesian population only takes 3,513 steps per day," said Ary in a webinar entitled "PJOK in Learning a New Paradigm" which was attended in Jakarta, Wednesday 27 October.

This ranking was obtained by Indonesia because the average steps taken by the community were only 3,513 per day.

Based on the data held by his party, this is evidenced by only 24 percent of Indonesian people who are declared fit. Meanwhile, the sports participation rate carried out by the community has only reached 34 percent.

As a result, one in four adults are obese. In addition, non-communicable or degenerative diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis suffered by the community have also increased due to lack of movement of the body.

The lack of movement in the community's body is also proven by the presence of 8.56 percent of people with disabilities, but sports coaching is only found in Surakarta. So that most people with disabilities have not been able to get the right to exercise.

"We do not dichotomize. The President also said that we should not differentiate between normal and disabled people, they must all be the same. You can't differentiate," he said, quoted from Antara.

As for public spaces for exercise owned by the country, he said there were only 24 percent or as many as 20,138 units from 83,931 villages or sub-districts throughout Indonesia.

According to Ary, the lack of sports activities and facilities also has an impact on the quality of physical fitness for adolescents in Indonesia. He said only 2.1 percent of students were in the very active category, while fit students in the very good category only reached 0.14 percent.

The low number of physical fitness in students, due to all the ways of studying and working and the lifestyle adopted by students, 90 percent cannot be done without using a device.

Seeing the community's fitness figures and the lack of facilities and concern, he said people need to get used to at least walking indoors for 45 minutes to an hour so that their physical fitness does not decrease even though the COVID-19 pandemic is happening.

“Our bodies have to keep moving. Our bodies must stay healthy, our bodies must stay fit. Wherever and whenever it is, anything," said Ary.*