Chairman Of The PSSI Concurrently Becomes Manager Of The Indonesian National Team, Who Do You Report To?

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), Mochamad Iriawan, said that he would directly monitor the preparation of the Indonesian U-19 national team towards the 2021 U-20 World Cup. In fact, he might even become the manager of the U-19 Indonesian national team.
As is known, PSSI received a tough task from President Joko Widodo. The number one person in Indonesia hopes that the Indonesian national team will not only cheer up the upcoming U-20 World Cup. For that, Iriawan felt the need to continue to oversee the achievements of the Garuda Muda squad.
"In the meantime, I am the Head of Achievement Division and possibly also the manager," said the man who is familiarly called Iwan Bule to a number of media.
This step was taken so that Iriawan could immediately pay attention and see the progress of all the players. He also wants to provide direct motivation for the players to be more motivated to achieve the best results at the U-20 World Cup.
However, the decision of the PSSI Ketum raised a question mark. The reason is, since March 2020, the position in charge of the Indonesian national team has been held by PSSI Deputy Chief of Staff, Cucu Somantri. Recently, Cucu's name has rarely been heard since he was no longer the President Director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru.
In addition, as manager of the Indonesian national team, Iriawan will be responsible for and provide reports to the Chairman of the PSSI, the position he currently occupies. Of course, the decision of the former Kapolda Metro Jaya could lead to polemic, although there is no written rule prohibiting this.
So, Iwan Bule appointed himself as the manager of the national team and will report to himself as the Head of PSSI? Funny too, huh ...