Can Mothers Who Diligently Consume Fish Oil During Pregnancy Can Give Birth To Smart Babies?

JAKARTA - For those of you who are pregnant and diligently taking fish oil supplements, in the hope of being able to educate their babies in the future, you should read the results of this study.

Recently, launching Parenting, Wednesday, October 27, a study in Australia recommended that pregnant women do not need to take fish oil supplements in early pregnancy, if with that they hope their baby will be smart. This was said after scientists from the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide, compared women who were given 800mg of supplements containing DHA while pregnant, with women who were given either a placebo supplement or an empty drug.

As reported by the Journal of the American Medical Association, the results found no cognitive, language, and motor development at 18 months after birth. From the results of further monitoring, the researchers also did not find any development of intelligence, language at the age of 4 years and 7 years of babies.

The co-author of the study, Dr. Jacqueline Gould, emphasized that several previous studies also proved, the benefits of fish oil supplements for fetal brain intelligence are still unclear.

According to Gould, pregnant women should eat balanced healthy foods every day so that the mother and fetus grow healthy, and the fetal brain develops optimally.