Jokowi Mania Volunteers Sue Instructions From The Minister Of Home Affairs Regarding PPKM To PTUN

JAKARTA - Volunteers Jokowi Mania (JoMAN) sued the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 53 of 2021 to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN).

"Our lawsuit has been received by the Jakarta Administrative Court with registration number 241/G/2021 Jakarta Administrative Court," said JoMAN Chairman Immanuel Ebenezer at the Jakarta Administrative Court, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 26.

The class action lawsuit is related to the Minister of Home Affairs Number 53 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities Level 3, Level 2, and Level 1 Corona Virus Disease 2019 in the Java and Bali Regions.

"The instruction has no legal basis and is against the law," Ebenezer said.

Meanwhile, the plaintiff's attorney, Bambang Sri Pujo, explained that to register a lawsuit in the Administrative Court, two elements were needed. First, whether the instruction contradicts the law and secondly, there are allegations that are not true.

Bambang explained in the opening section of the Ministry of Home Affairs that there is no legal basis at all, for example the 1945 Constitution or the laws relating to the issuance of these instructions.

"This is the third instruction, previously there were numbers 36, 45 and currently 53," said Bambang.