Home Of Bogor PDIP Management 3 Molotov

JAKARTA - The house of PDI Perjuangan Rosenfield Panjaitan in Megamendung, Bogor, West Java, was thrown by a Molotov. The police are still hunting for the Molotov throwers.

"There were 3 throws of Molotov," said the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Saptono Erlangga, when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, July 28.

This Molotov throwing took place at around 02.30 WIB. Three Molotovs were thrown against the walls, windows and garage.

Rosenfield's house, who is the deputy chairman of the Bogor Regency PDIP DPC, is called the police and is also used as the party headquarters. The police are still investigating the perpetrator of the Molotov throwing.

"It's being investigated," said Erlangga.