So Fugitive, Illegal Borrowing Boss In Surabaya Flees Abroad

SURABAYA - The East Java Police are now hunting for the boss of an online loan company (pinjol) in Surabaya. The boss of PT Duyung Sakti Indonesia fled abroad.

"The boss or leader of Pinjol has been included in the wanted list (DPO). The perpetrator is abroad. Now the cyber team is hunting for the boss of Pinjol, who gave orders for the three suspects in Pinjol in Surabaya," said the East Java Police Chief, Inspector General Nico Afinta, in Surabaya. , Tuesday, October 26.

But Nico didn't mention the country the Pinjol boss had visited in Surabaya for his escape. According to him, the East Java Police have coordinated with the National Police Headquarters.

"If the boss comes back, we will definitely arrest him, because he is from Indonesia," he said.

PT Duyung Sakti Indonesia is a collection company from 36 illegal or unlicensed loans, located in Sukamanunggal, Surabaya. Loan customers continue to receive collections and threats, even though they have paid off their loans.

"Duyung Sakti's mode is that after receiving data from related companies, customers who do not pay appoint a number of their employees to collect them," he said.

Previously, the East Java Police had named three debt collectors, alias Debt Collector (DC) pinjol, from PT Duyung Sakti Indonesia.

The three suspects are Alditya Puji Pratama (27) from Surabaya, Rendy Hardiansyah (28) and Anggi Sulistya Agustina (31) from Bogor Regency.

The suspect was charged with Articles 27, 29, and 45 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.