So Suspects, The Existence Of Investors And Owners Of Illegal Fuel Warehouse In Muarojambi Still Mysterious

MUAROJAMBI - Muarojambi Police investigators named BS, the financier and owner of a warehouse where crude oil is processed into diesel fuel as a suspect.

This warehouse was engulfed in flames two weeks ago in Pijoan Village, Muarojambi Regency.

Muarojambi Police Chief AKBP Yuyan Priatmaja said his party had coordinated and examined witnesses until finally naming BS the suspect.

"The Muarojambi Police Investigation Team has also sent an Investigation Commencement Order (SPDP) to the local prosecutor's office, but the police are also trying to find the current position of BS's whereabouts," he said in Jambi, Antara, Tuesday, October 26.

The police are still trying to find and call the suspect BS. Regarding the cause of the fire in the warehouse, the police suspect that it was due to a short circuit in the oil pump that grabbed the fuel.