Shabu Worth IDR 8 Billion Confiscated From Three Malaysian Network Drug Dealers

JAKARTA - MR (25), MPR (26) and YYZ (24) did not move when arrested by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit in three different locations.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief AKBP Setyo Koes Heriyatno said a total of 7,262.4 grams of crystal methamphetamine had been confiscated as evidence. The confiscation of methamphetamine weighing more than 7 kilograms is equivalent to saving as many as 28,000 people from consuming the item.

"From 1 gram of crystal methamphetamine, 4 people can use it. Just 7,262.4 grams means that it is multiplied by 4 about 28,000 people," said AKBP Setyo to reporters, Monday, October 25.

AKBP Setyo said each of the perpetrators was arrested at a different location. He said MR (25) was arrested in Pancoran Mas, Depok, MPR (26) was arrested in East Cilandak, South Jakarta, and YYZ (24) in Ciputat, South Tangerang.

From the results of the development, narcotics type methamphetamine came from Malaysia. Currently, the police are still investigating the methamphetamine network.

"For the soap, most likely from the results of our analysis it comes from Malaysia. For the network, we are still investigating it," he said.

The total value of the confiscated methamphetamine, he continued, was Rp. 8 billion. The shabu weighing thousands of grams, he continued, is planned to be circulated in the DKI Jakarta area and its surroundings.

"The suspect is subject to Article 114 paragraph (2) sub-Article 112 paragraph (2) of the RI Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics," he said.

Now, the suspects have been detained at the Central Jakarta Metro Police detention center. While the case is still being developed.