Poltracking Survey: Majority Of Public Support Jokowi Reshuffle Cabinet

JAKARTA - The majority of the public supports President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in reshuffling his cabinet.

The Poltracking survey noted that 59.3 percent of respondents said they agreed that Jokowi had reshuffled the Indonesia Maju cabinet. While those who said they did not agree were 32.8 percent of the respondents.

"Almost 60 percent agreed that President Jokowi would reshuffle the cabinet to replace several ministers," said the Executive Director of Poltracking Indonesia Hanta Yuda in Jakarta, Monday, October 25.

"This is quite high, doubled between those who agree and disagree," he continued.

According to him, there are three instruments that are considered by President Jokowi to reshuffle the cabinet. Namely public evaluation, technocratic evaluation, and political evaluation.

"Public evaluation, for example from survey results. Then, technocratic evaluations are carried out based on academics or performance data from the relevant cabinet members. While political evaluations can be influenced by changes within the government coalition, such as the joining of new parties," explained Hanta.

It is known, recently that the National Mandate Party (PAN) has joined Jokowi's coalition. It is said that the party led by Zulkifli Hasan will get a ministerial seat.

There is also public support for Jokowi to reshuffle the cabinet, based on several records that become an assessment of the government's performance in various fields.

Among them in terms of performance, Only said, as many as 65.4 percent of respondents considered the performance of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government to have been good in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. While 28.1 percent rate the opposite.

Then, as many as 60.7 percent of respondents rated the government's performance as good in handling the impact of the pandemic on the economy, while 32.7 percent rated it bad.

In the economic sector, 55.8 percent of respondents said they were satisfied with Jokowi-Ma'ruf's performance and 35 percent were dissatisfied. The satisfaction rate was recorded higher in the health sector, at 60 percent, compared to 27.9 percent who were dissatisfied.

There are also 51.2 percent of respondents who said their household income was better in the past year and 42.2 percent said their condition was worse.

"Then 55.3 percent of respondents felt that their household life, including social, economic, health and education aspects, was better over the past year. Meanwhile, 37.7 percent said otherwise," said Hanta.

Furthermore, in the field of education, 58 percent of respondents said they were satisfied with the government's performance and 31.2 percent were dissatisfied.

Meanwhile, the level of public satisfaction in the field of law enforcement got the lowest point with only 52.8 percent of respondents being satisfied. A total of 32.3 percent of the public were dissatisfied, and 14.9 percent said they did not know or did not answer.

As for the defense and security sector, the satisfaction rate is 54.6 percent and dissatisfied at 29.2 percent. Then, satisfaction in the socio-cultural field is 60.5 percent, compared to 28.3 percent of respondents who are dissatisfied.

"The Jokowi-Ma'ruf government is rated the highest for the field of politics and national stability. As many as 64.1 percent of respondents said they were satisfied with the government's performance in maintaining political stability, while only 17.9 percent were dissatisfied," said Hanta Yuda.

The Poltracking survey was taken face-to-face which will be held in mid October 3-10, 2021. Using the multistage random sampling method with 1220 respondents and a margin of error (MoE) of approximately 2.8 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.