Geez! There Are 11 Thousand Invalid Data For Social Assistance Recipients Found By The Palu Social Service

JAKARTA - Bad news came from Palu City, Central Sulawesi. The Palu Social Service found invalid data for around 11,000 families who were beneficiaries of social assistance.

Head of the Palu City Social Service, Romy Sandi in Palu City, said that data on recipients of social assistance that were invalid or not in accordance with the population documents included data on families of beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and non-cash food assistance (BPNT).

"We are doing identification according to name and address," said Romi, Monday, October 25, as quoted from Antara.

He explained that the Social Service found data on social assistance recipients who had problems with the help of the Population and Civil Registration Service. According to him, only about 800 data on social assistance beneficiary families (KPM) in the integrated social welfare data (DTKS) have been successfully corrected through adjustment of the population identification number and the rest are still invalid.

The government corrected these data with the assistance of social welfare workers at the sub-district level. Romy said that the Ministry of Social Affairs gave a deadline of October 31, 2021 for district/city governments to correct data on problematic social assistance recipients.

If until the specified time limit the problematic data has not been corrected, the data will be deleted from DTKS.

"Even though the previous KPM was deleted in DTKS because the absolute conditions could not be met, there is still an opportunity for new proposals, because every month after the distribution of social assistance, access to new proposals (beneficiaries) is reopened," said Romy.

He appealed to residents who meet the requirements but have not received social assistance from the government to immediately report to the sub-district office or the Social Service by bringing population documents in the form of identity cards and family cards.

"We hope that the participation of the community can be completed so that these invalid data can be immediately completed (improved) so that no KPM cannot receive social assistance because it is only a data problem," he said.

According to data from the Social Service, there are 16,883 BPNT beneficiary families and 14,461 PKH beneficiary families in Palu City.