According To Experts, Social Media Use Causes Depression In Children And Adolescents

JAKARTA - Depression can strike anyone. Mental health disorders can occur in children, adolescents, and adults. A study adapted from the Child Mind Institute, Monday, October 25, shows that in recent decades, depression among adolescents and young adults is more common. Along with that, the use of social media continues to increase. So, how can social media cause depression in children and adolescents?

Research shows that teenagers who spend more time on social media will sooner or later feel alienated from the outside world, even with children who have often been ostracized, will use social media more as a means of escape. Finally, children are reluctant to socialize with the surrounding environment. Lack of social activity can cause children to be prone to depression.

Another theory proves that social media also makes children lose confidence and respect for themselves. The circulation of portraits of beauty standards on social media allows teenagers, especially girls, to look down on themselves. Having a negative picture of yourself can lead to depression.

Not only that, if children are allowed to use social media too often, they may lose interest in hobbies or sports. School assignments can also be neglected. Poor time management in social media increases stress in children.

For this reason, it is important for parents to limit the use of social media on their children's strings and help them develop healthy habits. You can ask your child to turn off notifications to avoid being distracted, spend a lot of time doing offline activities that are comfortable for the child, and save strings before bed. As a parent, you are also obliged to set a good example for your children by using social media wisely.