Gus Nabil: Don't Be Provoked To Reject The COVID-19 Rapid Test, Like In Bali

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Muchamad Nabil Haroen, asked the government to firmly avoid provocation to refuse the COVID-19 rapid test and swab test, such as a demonstration conducted by a group of people in Bali.

"There should be no provocation to reject the rapid and swab tests. The government must be firm, so that there is no provocation to reject the rapid or swab tests," said Muchamad Nabil Harun, who is called Gus Nabil, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 28.

According to him, this provocation is dangerous because it can disturb people who have been really affected by COVID-19, especially those who are sick and need treatment.

On the other hand, he said, don't let any person or group want to make a polemic on the issue of the former Minister of Health, whose context is very different from now.

Gus Nabil reminded that the government must also maximize the test process related to corona, so that the procedures and results are truly optimal.

Do not let, said the PDI-P politician, that there are health mafia who take advantage of corona-related tests to take unilateral advantage.

"I personally get some input from residents, that in its implementation, the procedures for corona-related tests must be disciplined again," said the General Chair of the Pagar Nusa Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Central Executive.

Gus Nabil stated that the government must take firm action if there are parties who want to take advantage of the tests unilaterally.

In addition, he said, the government must also be aware of the dangers of conspiracy theories because of the wave of conspiracy theories, with various variants and many issues circulating.

"Opinions that refer to the conspiracy theory fill the digital universe, both on Youtube, Instagram and media pages," he said.

The government must fight against this, he said, with a communication strategy that is transparent and on target, and by cooperating with the public.

"This is important, so that hoaxes and conspiracy theories circulating do not confuse citizens and weaken our enthusiasm against the corona virus," said Gus Nabil.

As is known, Jerinx SID together with the Healthy Nusantara Society (Manusa) held a demonstration against the COVID-19 rapid test at Renon Field, Denpasar City, Sunday, July 26, which was conducted without a mask and did not keep a distance.