What About Illegal Loans That Don't Extort Customers? This Is The Answer To The Unsoed Professor Of Criminal Law

JAKARTA - The National Police's efforts to eradicate illegal online loans sparked a response from the Professor of Criminal Law at Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed), Prof. Dr. Hibnu Nugroho SH MH.

The professor who also serves as Unsoed's deputy rector for general and finance said that the efforts of the National Police, especially the Central Java Police in eradicating corruption, have been very good.

"In an effort to eradicate, what the Police have done is very good. There are so many victims of illegal online loans and the phenomenon of the proliferation of loans and loans is already troubling," said Prof Hibnu in a written statement, Monday, October 25.

Professor of Criminal Law at Jenderal Sudirman University (Unsoed), Prof. Dr. Hibnu Nugroho SH MH.

The National Police, said the Unsoed professor, have carried out appropriate efforts to protect the public from illegal entanglements.

"Police have carried out victim-oriented measures. If there are many victims who have fallen, firm action should be taken accordingly," he explained.

Prof Hibnu hopes that the handling of the illegal online loan phenomenon can be resolved in a proportional manner. According to him, there are two alternatives that can be done in handling the problem of illegal loans, namely restorative justice (RJ) and litigation.

"For illegal loans that do not extort their customers, they are wrong from the legal aspect, but they have spent the funds and the customers have enjoyed the money. For cases like this, RJ's efforts can be applied. There are aspects of rights and obligations, so no one is harmed," he said. .

However, added Prof. Hibnu, this type of illegal loan must not repeat its activities because it does not have a permit.

As for illegal online loans that extort and terrorize customers, litigation efforts (settlement through courts) absolutely must be enforced.

"My suggestion is that the Central Java Police can implement the two alternatives. We can sort out which ones are dealt with firmly and which ones are not, I think the Police know better," added Prof. Hibnu.

He added that the role of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) along with the National Police and Bank Indonesia was very large in supervising the circulation of online loans, including illegal loans.

"It must be observed why this kind of lending is so widespread. The National Police along with OJK and Bank Indonesia must see why this phenomenon occurs. The role of the state in this matter must be seen, so that people do not become victims," he added.

Asked about the number of people who received illegal loan offers via SMS and WA chat, Prof. Hibnu emphasized that this was an educational aspect for the community.

"The current era is an era that prioritizes rationality. People should not be easily persuaded by online loan offers like that. Offers with unreasonable interest or facilities, should not be accepted," he urged.