'Ministry Of Religion Is A Gift For NU', Minister Of Religion: A Statement For Internals, Like The World Couple's Conversation

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas confirmed that his statement about the Ministry of Religion's gift to NU was delivered in an internal forum of the NU extended family. The goal is to motivate students and pesantren.

"I said that in an internal forum. The point is, it's limited to encouraging students and Islamic boarding schools. It's like a conversation between a husband and wife, this world belongs to both of us, the others are just boarding houses, because it's conveyed internally," explained the Minister of Religion in Solo, Monday October 25th.

"It's natural to give encouragement. It's an internal forum. And indeed I also didn't know it until it came out and then it was fried to the public. That's an internal forum, the context is to encourage, "he continued.

The Minister of Religion also ensured that the Ministry of Religion was not intended only for NU. The proof, said the Minister of Religion, is that the Ministry of Religion gives affirmations to all religions.

"Everything is given proportional rights. Ormas are not only NU," said the Minister of Religion.

"Even at the Ministry of Religion there is a Director General of Hajj and Umrah, that's a Muhammadiyah cadre. There is also an Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion who is not from NU,” said the Minister of Religion giving an example.

The Minister of Religion added that the basic character and identity of NU is open and inclusive. NU exists to give itself for the greater interest and benefit.

"Because openness and prioritizing benefit are the nature of NU," he said.

Previously, we had transcribed all the words of the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas regarding this statement. Readers can see it at this link.