Suitable, When Larissa Chou Rebukes Alvin Faiz, Henny Rahman Shows The Closeness Of Her Husband To His Stepson

JAKARTA - Larissa Chou has publicly asked her ex-husband, Alvin Faiz to be more considerate and prioritize their only son. As a single parent who takes care of Yusuf, Larissa doesn't want her child to lose love.

"Yusuf doesn't understand.. If his abi already has a child, Yusuf doesn't understand what happened.. Because Yusuf does have a communication deficiency. My message to Yusuf's abi is only 1, Please keep Joseph first. The rest I don't care," wrote Larissa Chou in Instagram Stories on Saturday, October 23.

Larissa admitted that it was difficult to explain to her children about their communication that had been cut off. "Yusuf doesn't understand that his mom and dad are not even friends now. But Yusuf can understand that his mommy is there and his brother's still around," he wrote.

Therefore, Larissa hopes that Alvin will pay attention to his biological son as well. "We will never be perfect parents for children ... but I will continue to try to teach good to Yusuf and hopefully when he grows up he can understand," continued Larissa Chou.

Their domestic polemics are protracted. Alvin has not discussed the warning message from Larissa. However, his wife, Henny Rahman, uploaded her husband's intimacy with Zayn.

In a video, Alvin is seen sitting on his stepson's lap. He chatted with Zayn who turned out to have a fondness for cars like his half-brother, Yusuf.

Alvin also invited his wife, Henny Rahman, to accompany him to the study. Not only himself, Henny also showed off the figure of Zayn. Alvin was touched by Henny's loyalty and also the attitude of his stepson. Alvin had time to discuss about God's blessing. Henny also strengthens Alvin and praises his husband who always guides him in a better direction.

"God willing, it's a blessing to be tired, dear, together we are pursuing God's pleasure. Hopefully we are istiqomah, dear," said Alvin. "Thank you for always inviting me and encouraging me to continue the assembly, dear. Never get bored and remember me, dear," said Henny.

Not only Alvin, Henny Rahman also wrote about the closeness of his sister-in-law to Zayn. "A day Azka doesn't come home, I always ask Bapin. "Where is Azka, I miss her. Thank you for loving Zayn too, always inviting Zayn to play," wrote Alvin Faiz's wife on Insta Story.