Case Of Forced Abuse To Kiss The Foot In Bekasi Tends To Peace

JAKARTA - Video circulating on social media shows bullying against young girls who are forced to kiss their feet. The video received a lot of criticism from netizens and asked the perpetrators to be arrested.

The video was uploaded by the account @ cetul22, which includes the source of the video, Facebook Babeh Jack Juliansyah. The video shows a squatting black hooded teenager being scolded by the recorder.

The video shows the foot of the video recorder several times aimed at the teenager's face.

In addition, the video also includes the voice of the recorder asking the young man in the black hood to stroke his leg once and kiss him ten times.

The video upload includes the name SMK Pusaka Nusatara 2, Tambun Selatan, Bekasi Regency. However, it did not explain who was a student at the school.

Confirmed about this, the Head of the Bekasi Metro Police, Kombes Hendra Gunawan, said that the bullying was experienced by a teenager with the initials DS. From the police investigation, it was found that the perpetrators were two people.

"The handling of a case that was viral on social media is bullying of a female student on behalf of DS which was carried out by NA and recorded by YA," said Hendra, Tuesday, July 28.

Although this case was spread to the public, Hendra said, the matter was not continued in the realm of law. Because, DS decided to make peace with both of them.

In addition, the two perpetrators of the bullying have also made a statement that they did not repeat their actions. In fact, if repeated, they are ready to be charged with criminal law.

"That they are YES and NA are completely wrong and have made a special statement to both the victim and the police not to repeat it again," said Hendra, not giving details about the cause of the action.

Currently, victims of bullying have received assistance to undergo counseling or trauma healing.

"Yes, we have done trauma healing," said Hendra.