Fire Occurs At Wosi Manokwari Central Market

MANOKWARI - Fires hit dozens of stalls and kiosks owned by traders in the Wosi central market area, Manokwari district, West Papua.

Alif, a resident around the Wosi central market who witnessed the incident, said the flames were seen at around 22.00 WIT and quickly engulfed dozens of stalls selling wood.

"The fire looked big at around 22.00, we don't know the exact source of the fire," said Alif, quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 24

Furthermore, as of 23.00 WIT, no firefighters from the Manokwari Government had come to the scene. Meanwhile, the fire continues to spread to other buildings.

Residents also helped traders to save merchandise while trying to extinguish the fire manually.

There has been no official statement from the local police regarding the source of the fire or the loss in the fire incident.