PBNU Secretary General: Ministry Of Religion Is A Gift For All Religions

JAKARTA - PBNU Secretary General Helmy Faishal Zaini stated that the Ministry of Religion was not a gift from the state for Nahdlatul Ulama or for Muslims alone, but a gift for all religions.

"The first is that the Ministry of Religion is a state gift for all religions, not just for NU or only for Muslims," said Helmy Faishal, quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 24.

Helmy's statement was in response to a statement from the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas who said that the Ministry of Religion was a state gift for Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). The Minister of Religion made this statement during a webinar a few days ago.

According to Helmy, NU did have a big role in erasing the seven words in the Jakarta Charter. However, this does not mean that NU can arbitrarily rule over the Ministry of Religion or feel that it has special rights.

In fact, the role of NU long before independence had placed Islamic boarding schools as pillars of forming the nation's mental character that was based on akhlaqul karimah.

"Nevertheless, NU does not have the motivation to dominate or have any kind of 'privilege' in the management of power and government, because NU is a jamiyyah diniyah ijtimaiyyah (religious and social organization)," he said.

Basically, said Helmy, all elements of the nation's history have a strategic role in the establishment of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, giving birth to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution in the diversity of tribes, races, religions, and groups wrapped in Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Helmy explained that the principle for NU is that anyone can lead and have power on the basis that leadership must produce prosperity and benefit.

"With all due respect and humility, the Minister of Religion's statement is of course his right, although I can personally state that these comments are inappropriate and unwise in the perspective of building the spirit of statesmanship," he said.