Subang Police Arrest Subang Police Officers Subsidized Gas Pengoplos

SUBANG - The Subang Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Tipidter) has arrested SPR (44), a resident of Sukamelang Village, Subang District/Regency, West Java, for allegedly mixing 3 kg of subsidized LPG.

Subang Police Chief AKBP Sumarni through the Subang Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP M Zulkarnaen said that the disclosure of this plagiarism case began with reports from the public.

The community, said Kasat, was suspicious of the activities carried out by the SPR. The police finally conducted an investigation and found the alleged mixing of 3 kg LPG gas.

"The suspect was arrested at his house which is used as a base for 3 kg LPG gas," said Kasat accompanied by the Head of the Tipidter Ipda M Raka Dwi Darma at the Subang Police Headquarters.

From the suspect, continued the former Head of Criminal Investigation at the Banjar Police, a number of evidences were confiscated. The suspect has been carrying out his actions since 6 months ago with an average net profit of IDR 4 million to IDR 6 million per month.

SPR was charged with Article 55 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years and a fine of Rp. 6 billion.