Regarding The 2024 Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates, PDIP: The Decision Lies With Megawati

JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto ensured that his party still upholds democracy, but prioritizes discipline over all policies, especially regarding the 2024 Presidential Election.

Hasto said, his party still has not discussed the presidential candidate (candidate) and vice presidential candidate (cawapres) to be carried in the 2024 presidential election. Because currently party cadres are still focused on tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We have confirmed that regarding who the presidential and vice presidential candidates are based on the 5th Congress in Bali, Megawati will make the decision," said Hasto on the sidelines of a mass circumcision ceremony at the PDIP DPP Office, Central Jakarta, Saturday, October 23.

Even so, Harto acknowledged that there were a number of PDIP cadres who pushed for a candidate to be proposed in the 2024 presidential election, before waiting for a decision from Megawati. One of the parties who shouted the issue was the Chairman of the Solo FX DPC Hadi Rudyatmo. Hasto believes that the former mayor of Solo should know the rules of the game that apply to PDIP.

"That's a conversation in a shop for Mr. Rudy. Mr. Rudy is a senior figure. PDIP is, right, a democratic party. Everyone understands the culture in the PDI-P.

Hasto explained that PDIP also has a mechanism within the party to recruit the best cadres. The PDIP management structure was also asked to consolidate parties. Hasto reminded that PDIP as a party has a bigger interest and every cadre who joins also joins voluntarily to unite themselves for a bigger interest.

"For those who do not understand the strategic aspect of the importance of preparing leaders for the future of the nation and state and only want to act independently without discipline, it is okay if they want to leave the party. This party has a long history, has quite extensive experience in describing democracy from the people, by the people, and for the people, so in this perspective the party must enforce discipline," he said.

In addition, Hasto believes that Megawati will choose the right person after hearing the people's aspirations and contemplating asking for the guidance of Almighty God.

Furthermore, Hasto said that Megawati's job is not only to choose, but also to see the right person to continue the leadership of Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"Because what the party is doing is the continuity of Pak Jokowi's leadership with his various achievements. It is very important to find the most appropriate figure in continuing the leadership relay," he said.

Therefore, Hasto said, everyone should be patient and wait for the right moment. Moreover, said Hasto, the schedule and stages of the general election have not yet been determined.