Prone To Immoral Acts, Police And Satpol PP Close 9 Nightclubs In Serang

SERANG – Serang City Police Officers, Banten Police, together with Satpol PP, emptied a number of nightclubs along the South Ring Road, Serang.

The emptying of nightclubs in the Serang Regency area aims to create an environment that is clean from disobedience and intoxicating activities.

"Yes, it is true, that we Serang City Police are accompanying the Serang Regency Government to vacate the night entertainment venues on the South Ring Road," said Serang City Police Chief AKBP Maruli Ahiles Hutapea when confirmed, Friday, October 22, evening.

Serang Regency Satpol PP officers secure a number of night entertainment properties/ Photo: Serang Police Doc/ Bitor Ekin Putra/ VOI

"And this emptying activity is based on reports from local people who do not accept that the environment has been damaged by the existence of this night entertainment venue," explained Hutapea.

Before the evacuation was carried out, the Serang Regency Government (Pemkab) was known to have given a warning in advance. But the managers did not heed the warning.

"In principle, the National Police supports the policies that have been set by the government. The implementation of the emptying of night entertainment venues has gone through a review process from regulatory aspects, factual and social analysis, so that decisions are taken to carry out enforcement and applicable regulations," he added.

Serang District Satpol PP officers secure a number of night entertainment properties/ Photo: Serang Police Doc/ Bitor Ekin Putra/ VOI

Hutapea added that there were 9 vacated nightclubs along the South Ring Road.

"We have vacated 9 places, including Angel, Tri Naga Cafe, Star Queen, New Roger, Bravo, Seahorse, Parahiangan and Alexxa," said Hutapea.

"The items that we have secured are chairs, alcoholic drinks, computers, mics, power amplifiers and others. In addition, we are also coordinating with PLN for blackouts in each of these places," concluded Hutapea.