The Daily Habits Of Pregnant Women That Unknowingly Harm The Fetus

JAKARTA - When pregnant, a mother should take care of her health and lifestyle well. This is inseparable from optimal fetal development. Not only maintaining the regularity of life, pregnant women should also start avoiding habits that are considered trivial, but turn out to be bad for the little one. Anything? Let's see more.

Too much use of gadgets

It's hard to be separated from the gadget. But, for the safety of the fetus it is necessary to do. According to research in Australia, radiation exposure from gadgets during pregnancy can affect fetal brain development so that later it grows into a hyperactive child. In addition, radiation from gadgets can also interfere with cell damage so that pregnant women are prone to miscarriage.

Lack of sunlight

During pregnancy, mothers need to meet the needs of vitamin D. The right way is to bask in the morning sun for 15 minutes. The right time to sunbathe is between 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Vitamin D is useful for boosting the immune system, eye health, and bones. Lack of vitamin D can cause problems such as osteoporosis, nervous system disorders, and the heart of pregnant women.

Cosmetic use

Most cosmetic ingredients contain mercury. If pregnant women use mercury makeup, it is most likely to cause miscarriage, birth defects, and premature birth.

For that as much as possible avoid the use of makeup. If you have to, choose makeup or natural beauty treatments that are safe for mothers and future children.

Rubbing the stomach too hard

Rubbing the stomach is a must for pregnant women as the first step to build bonding between mother and child. However, this will work if done with gentle movements.

Rubbing too hard can cause the fetus to be depressed and limited space for movement. If often, this condition can make blood perfusion to and from the fetus not smooth so that development is less than optimal.