Kim Seon Ho's Agency Allegedly Spreading Actor K Rumors, Why?
JAKARTA - The case of Kim Seon Ho, which was recently revealed, has been linked to his agency, SALT Entertainment. Not a few of the public suspected that the emergence of rumors of actor K was intentional to hinder the actor's contract extension.
There are rumors that Kim Seon Ho's exclusive contract with SALT Entertainment expired last September. However, because he was still filming Hometown ChaChaCha, the new contract discussions were held when the drama ended.
An anonymous person even wrote a post claiming actor K rumors were the agency's way of destroying Kim Seon Ho's image and making it difficult to find a new agency.
Thursday, October 21, SALT Entertainment straightened out the rumors that had been circulating. They denied Kim Seon Ho's contract was about to expire.
“Rumors about Kim Seon Ho's contract with our agency which ended in September are not true. He still has plenty of time and this is not the time to discuss contract extensions," SALT Entertainment quoted Nate as saying.
They also felt that someone who wrote about Kim Seon Ho had nothing to do with the agency contract.
Previously, Kim Seon Ho claimed to be actor K, which was shared by a netizen. This person said that the Hong Du Sik actor forced her to have an abortion, spoke ill of her co-stars, and so on.
This netizen also said that the actor had apologized directly to him. But now Kim Seon Ho has experienced a series of negative impacts from his confession. Several brands removed content related to him and he withdrew from 2 Days & 1 Night as well as two film projects.