Anji's First Appearance After Coming Out Of RSKO Rehabilitation

JAKARTA - After four months of rehabilitation at the Drug Addiction Hospital (RSKO) Cibubur, Jakarta, Anji is finally free again. His first appearance after being released can be seen from the upload of his sister, Erie.

Through Instagram, he uploaded a photo of the two of them with the singer of the song Dia. "Oh God, God, thank you. Welcome back Joy!!! Soon to work again for INDONESIA," wrote Erie, quoted on Friday, October 22.

Anji looks fresh and smiling happily in the photo. So far, both Anji and his wife, Wina, have not uploaded the latest news. VOI tried to contact to confirm but no response.

Anji was arrested in June 2021. He admitted to using marijuana since September 2020 to relax and be productive at work.

In this case, the Panel of Judges of the West Jakarta District Court found Anji guilty of using class one drugs for himself.

The owner's full name Erdian Aji Prihartanto is required to undergo inpatient rehabilitation at the Cibubur Drug Dependence Hospital for four months minus the arrest period and a temporary rehabilitation period.

Anji himself has been undergoing rehabilitation at the Drug Addiction Hospital (RSKO) since June 25, 2021. After the judge's decision was read out on Monday, October 11, Anji got his freedom again on Thursday, October 20.