These Are 6 Clinical Trials For COVID-19 Vaccines In Bandung

JAKARTA - Research on clinical trials of vaccines to deal with infection with the new type of corona virus or COVID-19 will be focused on six places in the city of Bandung.

The eman places are, at Padjadjaran University on Eyckman Street, Padjadjaran Dipatiukur University, Garuda Health Center, Dago Health Center, Sukapakir Community Health Center, and Ciumbuleuit Community Health Center.

"That's the research center. But anyone in the community who wants to participate is fine. We do research there, so if you want to come please go there, then register first," said Kusnandi Rusmil, Coordinator of Clinical Trial of COVID-19 Vaccine at Bandung City Hall. Between, Monday, 27 July.

He said that volunteers who wish to register to take part in the vaccine clinical trial must meet several requirements, including being in good health, aged 15 to 59 years, and not having serious illness.

Covid-19 Vaccine Test Field Coordinator Eddy Fadlyana hopes that clinical trials can be carried out in early August 2020. The number of volunteers participating in the vaccine clinical trial is targeted to be 1,620 people.

Eddy said, registration for vaccine clinical trial participants would be opened after a recommendation from the Ethics Committee.

"In order for everything to be good, the subject is good and nothing will happen to the members of the research. That is the goal of the Ethics Committee," he said.

He explained that later volunteers who took part in the clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine could still carry out their daily activities as usual with the monitoring of the research team.

"Just live a normal life. Like people who want to go on the pilgrimage, we get injections of influenza (vaccine) everywhere, just the same. Just ordinary and don't need to be isolated," he said.