Bobby Nasution Strives For Medan To Lower PPKM Status To Level 1

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution ensured that he would continue to reduce the status of the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in Medan City to level 1.

"We hope that if Medan City enters PPKM level 1, it will quickly boost the special economy of Medan City and help the economy in North Sumatra," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 21.

In addition, he continued, PPKM level 1 can bring people in the city of Medan to live a new normal life or new habits by complying with very strict health protocols.

To make it happen, Bobby Nasution emphasized the issue of vaccination, especially for the elderly (elderly) because Medan City is still 30 percent short of the target set.

"In order to achieve the vaccination target for the elderly, we will continue to pursue it through 'door to door'," said Bobby Nasution.

The Medan City Government has extended PPKM level 2 from 19 October to 8 November 2021.

The extension was stated in the Medan Mayor's Circular No. 443.2 / 9872 dated October 19, 2021 according to the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 48/2021 regarding PPKM in all regions in Indonesia.

"On behalf of the Medan City Government, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all elements of the TNI and Polri as well as the Forkompinda for our success in bringing Medan City into PPKM level 2," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution.