Lowest COVID Vaccination Coverage, North Aceh Regent Asks All Elements, Including The Head Of Village To Work Hard

ACEH UTARA - North Aceh Regent Muhammad Thaib asked all apparatus to be more proactive in accelerating vaccination. Considering that the district is the area with the lowest coverage of COVID-19 vaccination in Aceh.

"I ask the apparatus, including in the village, especially the village head to really work to make people aware of the importance of vaccination. Because this is a mission to save the people of North Aceh to avoid exposure to COVID-19," he said in Lhokseumawe, Antara, Thursday, 21 October.

He said all elements must be able to unite the determination to increase the number of COVID-19 vaccinations, both in rural and urban areas in North Aceh Regency.

"The implementation of vaccination must be in accordance with the mapping so that it is more planned. We must fight COVID-19, among them is by synergizing in accelerating the implementation of vaccination," he said.

He said the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and halal, so don't be easily fooled by fake news because this vaccination is an effort to accelerate the prevention of transmission and spread of COVID-19.

"We all hope that in the future North Aceh will become the fastest district to carry out vaccinations, so that efforts to achieve group immunity can be achieved," he said.

Muhammad Thaib said vaccinations in North Aceh Regency had targeted all levels of society, including junior and senior high school students as well as students in Islamic boarding schools.

"Even though we have received the vaccine, we remind the public to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols, always wearing masks, maintaining distance, and not crowding," he said.

Lhokseumawe Police Chief AKBP Eko Hartanto said that the acceleration of the implementation of vaccination for the community is an important target for reducing the PPKM status in the North Aceh region from level 3 to level 2, even if it is expected to be able to reach level 1.

"For this reason, it is hoped that all related elements are proactive and care about the accelerated vaccination program. Especially village officials, are expected to provide education and enlightenment, as well as invite people to want to be vaccinated," he said.

He emphasized that the sub-district leadership elements worked extra, so that the vaccination target of 50 percent of the total population could be achieved by the end of 2021.

"Village officials must continue to cooperate with policy makers, both in sub-districts and villages, so that the achievement of this vaccination continues to increase in North Aceh Regency," he said.